We are proud to support all things alpaca and have recently published this effort to various alpaca related newsgroups...
Are you sitting on bags and bags of alpaca fiber 3rds and don't know how to put them to good use?
PurelyAlpaca (
http://www.purelyalpaca.com/), and online alpaca products boutique and alpaca advocate invites you to get involved in the effort to support ongoing alpaca research and student veterinarians at the Washington State University (WSU) College of Veterinary Medicine in Pullman, WA (
http://www.vetmed.wsu.edu/depts-vth/camelids/). The Camelid Education and Research Fund had been to assist the WSU program through awareness and fundraising.
The WSU program has been a great benefit to Pacific Northwest alpaca farms and through its ongoing education and research helps alpaca owners everywhere.
To help support the College of Veterinary Medicine at WSU, PurelyAlpaca is soliciting alpaca farms everywhere to contribute their "2nds and 3rds" to the production of these excellent quality floor rugs for the home.
When an alpaca gets its annual shearing, the fiber is typically sorted into its Prime or Blanket (aka 1st) clip and its 2nds and 3rds clips, which may be put together or sorted. The Prime or Blanket clip, which comes from the main body of the alpaca is most commonly used for premium alpaca garments like sweaters. The "2nd" fiber from areas such as the neck or upper legs is typically used for hats or gloves. The "3rds", typically from the lower legs and belly and possibly chest are great for items like these rugs. The superior strength of alpaca fiber and its resitance to wear makes it an ideal rug material.
A portion of your purchase of this rug will go toward further research and veterinarian training at the WSU College of Veterinary Medicine. To learn more about the WSU program, see the link above or contact:
Lynne Haley
Veterinary Development and External Relations
P.O. Box 657010
Pullman, WA 99164-7010
(509) 335-5021
If you have an alpaca farm and would like to contribute to this good cause with your fiber, please contact
http://www.purelyalpaca.com/ directly.
Made in the USA by Reinhard, an Austrian immigrant with 4-5 employees in a tiny factory on a dusty stretch of highway in the middle of the Texas plains, each rug is a work of art from this long time extraordinary rug weaver. The tiny factory sells its All American made goods to 300 outlets around the world including stores like Ethan Allen. The factory ships these soft rugs to the finer shops of Europe. One of the rugs "will probably outlast you," says Reinhard.
For more information and pictures, please see this link:
http://www.purelyalpaca.com/ - Naturally Unique Clothing and Gifts
Battle Ground, WA