Sunday, October 31, 2004

PurelyAlpaca RSS Feed available

The latest thing in web information is the RSS (Really Simple Syndication) system.

Using this standard, Web publishers provide updates, such as the latest news headlines or weblog postings. Meanwhile, consumers use RSS reader applications (or one of a growing number of online services) to collect and monitor their favorite feeds in one place (RSS content from a publisher, viewed in one of these readers, is often called a "feed"). See article

PurelyAlpaca's products are now available as an RSS feed. With your free RSS NewsReader, you can request quick updates of our products without having to go directly to the site. You'll see our RSS link at the bottom of every page.

Free RSS readers you can install on your PC include:

and many others Search

This is the latest thing for getting information easier. Give it a try!


Saturday, October 30, 2004

Discover Alpacas - History and Products

Rarer and finer than even cashmere, alpaca wool is the softest, warmest, lightest, and healthiest fiber you can find. When you wear it, you enjoy a privilege once limited only to the noble or wealthy. Almost lost to us through over-hunting and isolation, alpacas now thrive not only in their native lands but in many other countries as well. These charming animals and the fleece they produce is shared by more people worldwide every year.

Alpaca has always meant luxury. Native Andean tribes first domesticated this descendant of the wild vicuña almost six thousand years ago. Beginning one of the earliest selective breeding programs in history, the result was a hardy yet docile creature with very fine fleece. So exquisite was alpaca wool that it became a measure of wealth in Andes society, the clothing of which only priests and royalty wore for centuries. After the fall of the Incan Empire, though, Spanish colonists viewed alpaca as competition to their sheep and slaughtered them almost to extinction. A few native tenders escaped with their precious herds, which they bred high on the Altiplano of South America. Due to the harsh conditions and poaching, these animals continued to dwindle in numbers.

Secluded from the rest of the world, the alpaca was almost forgotten until the 1800’s, when Sir Titus Salt invented an industrial method for manufacturing its wool. Using this rare and extremely fine specialty fiber, he produced a wonderful, soft cloth made for high fashion designs, including very expensive dresses popular with wealthy women throughout Europe. Alpaca apparel went into style in the United States during the 1920’s and has enjoyed rising demand here ever since.

A new era began in the 1980’s when alpacas from selected Chilean herds were exported to the United States and other countries. Generous tax benefits and excellent investment potential attracted many initial alpaca breeders. Because they are easy to raise, gentle on the environment, not raised for slaughter, and very friendly, people from all walks of life soon joined them not only for monetary gain but also the refreshing lifestyle running an alpaca farm offers. Nearly 50,000 alpacas live in the United States today, a number set to rise steadily over the next decades.

Rarity alone does not account for the great allure of alpaca clothing. Though five times warmer than sheep wool, alpaca wool is much lighter and breathes better than any thermal knit. It is free of oils and microscopically smooth , which makes it hypoallergenic and very comfortable even on bare skin. Although it dyes easily, the twenty-two recognized natural colors reduce the need for artificial coloring, allowing the fiber to retain its inherent characteristics without sacrificing variety. Clothing made of this material is resilient, durable, and lasts for generations - sometimes even hundreds of years!

Purely Alpaca proudly offers you authentic alpaca products from around the world. Our extensive catalog has something for your entire family, including alpaca clothing, rugs, yarn, jewelry, toys, and other wares at great prices. Gift certificates are also available. New items and special sales happen all the time, so check with them often. Sign up for their free newsletter to learn more about the joys of alpaca!

Vashon, WA

Friday, October 29, 2004

Testers wanted

We want to be as clear, friendly and correct as possible. Unfortunately when you stare at your own web site for a long time you start to miss flaws.

Also, we would like to know what our customers would like to have, or not have, on the site.

If you are interested in testing all of the site, please let us know by email at In exchange we can offer you not only our gratitude but a free gift or a substantial discount on one of our products.

Here are some key concept areas to think about while testing the site:

* are there typos?
* improve this product descriptions by saying...
* add this new category...
* list products this way...
* do this on the front page...
* which photos are terrible? (we're redoing many)
* improve flow of interface by doing...
* "this part doesn't make sense...."
* you should try this....
* I'd be more inclined to buy if the site had...
* take this out...
* I wish the site had....
* look at this other site, they do this...

If the tester could run through the exercise of creating an account and
purchasing that would also be helpful.

Development for PurelyAlpaca

Wednesday, October 27, 2004

Alpaca article link up on PurelyAlpaca

PurelyAlpaca has added a new area to the site. The
Articles Link covers articles about the alpaca industry, Fair Trade, South American peoples, etc. We'll discuss alpaca clothing, alpaca sweater designs, new designers on the scene. You name it, if its about alpaca products we'll cover it.

Please let us know if you have information to share.

Please take a look.

Welcome to the PurelyAlpaca Web Log!

Welcome to the BLOG!

This BLOG is to announce late news of products, specials and the quickly changing alpaca products industry. We also wish this tool to act as one of the ways we can communicate on the exciting alpaca clothing industry.

We'll offer special offers and promotions here that are seen nowhere else.

You will find tips on shopping, sales, clothing care, fashion news and other topics you want discussed. Please do not hesitate to make suggestions for postings on this blog.

We want to discuss any and all of the following:

alpacas - the wonderful animals themselves
alpaca farm - how this industry is supported by small U.S. and Canadian alpaca farms
Fair Trade - the concept of fair labor and fair pay to indigenous peoples
alpaca clothing - the exciting explosive growth of a still mostly undiscovered wonder
alpaca socks - the flagship product which started it all

and on and on and on! The alpaca industry is hot! and just getting started. We encourage you to learn more about it!

PurelyAlpaca Blogger