We want PurelyAlpaca.com to be as clear, friendly and correct as possible. Unfortunately when you stare at your own web site for a long time you start to miss flaws.
Also, we would like to know what our customers would like to have, or not have, on the site.
If you are interested in testing all of the site, please let us know by email at tester@purelyalpaca.com. In exchange we can offer you not only our gratitude but a free gift or a substantial discount on one of our products.
Here are some key concept areas to think about while testing the site:
* are there typos?
* improve this product descriptions by saying...
* add this new category...
* list products this way...
* do this on the front page...
* which photos are terrible? (we're redoing many)
* improve flow of interface by doing...
* "this part doesn't make sense...."
* you should try this....
* I'd be more inclined to buy if the site had...
* take this out...
* I wish the site had....
* look at this other site, they do this...
If the tester could run through the exercise of creating an account and
purchasing that would also be helpful.
Development for PurelyAlpaca
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