Wednesday, October 27, 2004

Welcome to the PurelyAlpaca Web Log!

Welcome to the BLOG!

This BLOG is to announce late news of products, specials and the quickly changing alpaca products industry. We also wish this tool to act as one of the ways we can communicate on the exciting alpaca clothing industry.

We'll offer special offers and promotions here that are seen nowhere else.

You will find tips on shopping, sales, clothing care, fashion news and other topics you want discussed. Please do not hesitate to make suggestions for postings on this blog.

We want to discuss any and all of the following:

alpacas - the wonderful animals themselves
alpaca farm - how this industry is supported by small U.S. and Canadian alpaca farms
Fair Trade - the concept of fair labor and fair pay to indigenous peoples
alpaca clothing - the exciting explosive growth of a still mostly undiscovered wonder
alpaca socks - the flagship product which started it all

and on and on and on! The alpaca industry is hot! and just getting started. We encourage you to learn more about it!

PurelyAlpaca Blogger

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