Tuesday, October 17, 2006

INSTANT new alpaca product feed

We were thinking....

Many of our customers are hitting the New Items link on PurelyAlpaca.com but unless they hit it daily they still might miss a new product. We literally have placed items online in our online boutique only to have them sold hours later. We're getting a lot of new items this year, many "on trial" as possible lines next year, so we'll have a lot of these unique offerings this fall. We have alpaca sweaters, alpaca scarves and new alpaca hats that are all limited run "test" items from artists in the USA and South America. There will be a lot of new alpaca products, alpaca yarn and gifts posted in the next couple of months.

So we figured a lot of our website visitors are missing out. Well this just won't do. :) So what we did was create a simple RSS Feed. This lets you use a freely available RSS reader to connect to PurelyAlpaca's RSS feed. This way, whenever we add or update a product you'll know about it, instantly.

We were thinking more...

This could be fun. We can put things up and see how long they last. If enough people use the RSS Feed perhaps we'll offer "instant sales", offering great bargains on items just for our most "attached" customers. Gee, what else could this lead to?....

To see more and sign up, go to http://purelyalpaca.com/rssfeed.html

Will you let us know your thoughts on the idea?


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